Sunrise View seen From Sarangkot Pokhara

Featured Photography(@Sameer Kattel).

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Portrait of Marilyn Monroe 2

Caption: Marilyn Monroe P.S Sketched by Sameer Kattel Marilyn Monroe was an American model and actress famous for playing "dumb blonde" characters. She became one of the world's biggest and most enduring sex symbols. Although she was a highly paid actress for...

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Swyambhunath Stupa: Pride of Nepal

Caption: Swyambhunath Stupa P.S. Painted by Mahendra Khadka Swyambhunath is an old holy architecture atop a hill in the Kathmandu Valley. The Tibetan name for the site is 'Sublime Trees' (Wylie: Shing.kun), on the many species of trees found on the hill surrounding...

Monday, October 31, 2016

Mother: Our Living Goddess

Caption: A Mother holding her child o her lap to make him clamP.S. Sketch by Utsav Adhikari...

Monday, October 24, 2016

Beauty Lies in the Eyes of Beholders

Caption: Beauty of nature with hand and brush P.S. Painted By Mahendra Khadka...

Friday, September 23, 2016

Mother's Love: A Purest form of Love

 I indeed found my another sketch which I had drawn a year before the Splashed Rose. This may not be as beautiful as other drawings i have posted but obviously conveys a message deeper then any other drawings of mine; A true form of love, Mother's Love. P.S Sketched...

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Materialism: Something I like to transcend with Virtues

          In the vagueness of this worldly order, people have often materialized the word achievement into ranks, medals, certificates, awards and stages. And it was what my mind had been filled up with. It’s not like I am not fond of it or I don’t...

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Is Watching Anime Good? What if its Absolutely Inspirational?

People often say seeing anime spoils children and many do not let their children watch anime. However, I think they may be wrong some way or the other. Here I have shared a story of mine; How a simple anime has inspired me!..... Who knows it may inspire you and your children...

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Astonished Baby Boy: Isn't his smile attractive?

This is the 6th sketch from my collection. P.S Sketched by Sameer Kattel ...

3D Horse: Time to see through different Dimensions

This is the 5th sketch of my collection. Drop if any suggestion in the comment box below. Caption: 3D HorseP.S Sketched by Sameer Kattel ...

Amazing Eyes: Hyper Realistic Art of a Beautiful lady

This is the 3rd sketch of my collection. Any suggestions are heartily welcomed in the comment box below. P.S Sketched by Sameer Kattel...

Drenched: Is it with Emotions?

This is the 3rd sketch of my collection. Isn't it beautiful? let me know in the comment box below. Caption: Drenched GirlP.S Sketched by Sameer Kattel...

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Portrait of Marilyn Monroe

This is the second sketch of my collection. How is it? Please let me know if you have any suggestions in the comment box below. Caption: Marilyn Monroe P.S Sketched by Sameer Kattel Marilyn Monroe was an American model and actress famous for playing "dumb blonde"...

Splashed Rose: What a heart touching beauty!

Splashed Rose: What a heart touching beauty! This is the first drawing of my sketch collection I have been recently preparing.  P.S Sketched by Sameer Kattel...

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Last: A part of me

“Ayan wake up. It’s 7:30 already. You know what we are supposed to do today, don’t you?               Ayan and I were roommates since we started our +2 at Global College of Management. We completed our BBA from the same college and we were looking for a job together....