“Ayan wake up. It’s 7:30 already. You know what we are supposed to do today, don’t you?
Ayan and I were roommates since we started our +2 at Global College of Management. We completed our BBA from the same college and we were looking for a job together.
“Ooo… let me sleep. Please!”
“Hey, don’t you want to go for interview?” I woke Ayan up.
He hurriedly woke up, washed his face and got ready for the interview. Till then, I read the newspaper lying on the table. Many new job vacancies were announced as usual and we were going for one of those, we chose two days ago. We inquired and now we are going for the interview.
We left the house, I mean our rent room. Ayan had a bike, pulsar 220. So he rode. On our way we dropped by a café and had a cup of coffee. We proceeded again. Long Way to Baneshwor, we had to reach Ncell costumer care service head office. We both were applying for the post of assistant manager and were supposed to be posted to Biratnagar if selected. Passing Koteshwor, Min Bhawan and Tinkune we were on our way to the destination. It was going to be our first job; we thought to be, despite many of our applications and interviews. Both of us were so excited and a bit nervous as well. Soon we reached the head office. We were supposed to be there at 10:30am and by now it was only 10:20. “Thank God “; I was very much thankful to the Almighty for we reached in time. Yes, so much grateful.
We both went in and sat on the bench outside the CEO's cabin with all other applicants around us. Many of them were applying for the same post, about 50 so far I counted. Ayan was the sixth fellow and me two to three no. behind him. At 10:45 interview started. We were all waiting our turn, all silent and so humble, though Ayan was never so. He always wanted to keep talking about sth or the other. But for me, I remain quiet and thoughtful all the time.
We both were checking our CV and other testimonials for the last time and somebody happened to call out “Who is Ayan Chawan? It’s your turn now.” Now it was time. Ayan got up and managed his tip top suit. I wished him best of luck and he went in.
There were two more applicants before me. Oh, sorry, perhaps three. But I could only see two of them in front. I was still waiting for my turn. A while later Ayan came out with a sweet smile on his face. He said that his interview went well and was glad for that. He then went out to get some fresh air while I kept waiting for my turn.
The next guy went in. The second was still there. Looking for the third one, my eyes went to the receptionist. A young lady of around 22, I guess, hurried into the hall and went to the desk of the receptionist. I could hardly see her face. I guess she was inquiring about sth.
The guy came out of the cabin with his face down and clouded appearance. “Perhaps sth went wrong with him in the interview.” I thought. By then, the lady had come and sat beside me. I could hardly look towards her for any reason
“Excuse me.” A sweet sound made its way through the air and struck my eardrum. I turned to look around if someone was calling me.
“Yes, you. Are you here for an interview?” she asked.
Could utter nothing more than “O yeah, and you?” as I turned towards her.
” O God! What have you made what a beauty! What a creation! “I liked to add but suppressed my words. Her hairs were laid down crawling down her forehead. Her mysterious beauty was pondering through her eyes. And her childish smile mesmerized me. I was lost, really lost somewhere, I never knew.
“Are we here for same post?” she murmured
“You too are applying for the same post I am applying for, that’s great. It would be fun together.” I happened to say, but in a low voice.
“What! You said sth?” she asked.
“Yeah, same post I guess.” I replied. At the same time to be fair, I only wished we two were selected rather than Ayan.
“Is it your first interview?” I asked.
“Yeah, first. How did you know? You guessed again?”
“You seem more nervous than usual people. That’s why.” I replied.
“That’s true. I just completed my BBA and am looking for a job when I happened to come here.” She said.
I could hardly pop out a word out of my mouth looking at her. So, I turned my face off and try looking around. But her untouched beauty always made my head turn and peep through the corner of my eyes. She would sometime stroke her hair out of her forehead with her finger and hook them to her ears and sometimes turn the pages of her documents. She was gorgeous, not less than an angel, and I really mean it. I tried to peep out her name from one of those pages, but all in vein.
“What about you? Is it your first try?” the silence broke.
“Not first. I have tried a few places earlier. Are you feeling nervous?” I asked.
“Yes, a bit. It’s my first try so. Sth that makes me feel comfortable when I am in?” she asked.
“Sure. Just be honest to yourself and say whatever you think is right in front of the board. Have faith in yourself. Think you can do it and now cheer up.”
Our conversation took a break. Again the man came out of the cabin. “Shreya Gautam” he called out. It was no other then her.
“Wow! Her name is Shreya. I knew it. Yes!” I thought. She got up and collected everything she had.
“Am I looking good?” she asked.
I was stunned with nothing to say.”Yes, brilliant and prettiest among all.” I wanted to say but “Yeah, fine. Now hurry up and get in.” slipped out of my tongue with my eyes wide open.
“Thanks a lot,” she said.
“For what”
“For your advice. You helped me build my confidence level.” She then hurried to the cabin. Reaching the door, she turned waiting to say thanks once more I guess and I could do no more than thumbs up.
I sat still, stunned with Goosebumps on my hands and feet. What was she, a dream or a reality? I could hardly identify. I was lost, lost in the sea of her pondering beauty and in the silence around. A sudden pat on my back woke me up as if I was asleep dreaming. It was Ayan.
“What happened? Is everything alright? When is your turn? He asked all at once.
“Yeah, fine. After this.” I murmured.
A few moments later the man, whom I thought was a PA, called out “Samar Khanal”. I was called. I collected my documents and checked my dress.
“Everything good.” I asked.
“Yeah, better. Best of luck. Do well.”Ayan said and I hurried in.
I was on my way to the cabin when I happened to meet her again. Her interview was over.
“How was it?” I asked.
“Great and thank you so much once again.” She waved her hand and so did I.
I went in with a hope of meeting one more time after the interview. The interview went fab. Better than ever. Out of the cabin with a smile on my face looked out for her but in vain. She had already left. The wide open mouth got closed. She was gone.
Both of us, Ayan and I were happy that day for a successful interview. However, for me it was a more special day God gifted me.
“Thank you God. Thanks so much once more for granting a beautiful day.” I thanked God once more and you left for home.
I tried searching her, but could get no detail. A week later the result of the interview was published and both of us, Ayan and me, were shortlisted. Both of us were posted to Biratnagar as per the form we had felt, but had no idea about her. “Was she appointed?”
However, now the things have entirely changed. I am settled. I completed my MBA and got promoted to the post of managing director of the company. Just a few years back, I got married to one of the employees in the same company. Years have passed, but not the memories. Till date I could never forget that pious day and the one who was out of my dream and made me feel that no has ever made.
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