Sunrise View seen From Sarangkot Pokhara

Featured Photography(@Sameer Kattel).

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Astonished Baby Boy: Isn't his smile attractive?

This is the 6th sketch from my collection. P.S Sketched by Sameer Kattel ...

3D Horse: Time to see through different Dimensions

This is the 5th sketch of my collection. Drop if any suggestion in the comment box below. Caption: 3D HorseP.S Sketched by Sameer Kattel ...

Amazing Eyes: Hyper Realistic Art of a Beautiful lady

This is the 3rd sketch of my collection. Any suggestions are heartily welcomed in the comment box below. P.S Sketched by Sameer Kattel...

Drenched: Is it with Emotions?

This is the 3rd sketch of my collection. Isn't it beautiful? let me know in the comment box below. Caption: Drenched GirlP.S Sketched by Sameer Kattel...